Geos_library_path Mac

Geos_library_path Mac Rating: 4,4/5 8976 reviews
  1. Macports Ld_library_path
  2. Mac Sip Ld_library_path
  3. Ld_library_path Mac

The following instructions should help you get started with BusTracker. If you get stuck or run into errors, check the troubleshooting section at the bottom of this page. If that doesn’t help, ask for help on the mailing list.

  1. I did brew install geos on Mac. But the GEOSLIBRARYPATH is not the same on my machine as yours. Do you know, where it can be found? I tried to use find, but I couldn't find file in any of the folders, which I have read permission to.
  2. GeoNode is an open source platform that facilitates the creation, sharing, and collaborative use of geospatial data. StreamsTech/geodash.

Geoslibrarypath ¶ If your GEOS library is in a non-standard location, or you don’t want to modify the system’s library path then the GEOSLIBRARYPATH setting may be added to your Django settings file with the full path to the GEOS C library.

To build BusTracker you’ll need a few different packages. First, since the code is hosted on GitHub, you’ll obviously need Git. You’ll also need Python (most of the development has been done with 2.5, but other versions may work as well). Odds are you already have all this installed. BusTracker is built using Django, though there’s no need to install it separately.


You’ll also need PostgreSQL with PostGIS. You’ll want to create a new database for use with BusTracker using PostgreSQL’s createdb command (you can name this database whatever you like, just make a note of this as you’ll need it below and when editing the file). After creating the database, you’ll need to load the PostGIS extensions with the following commands (this assumes you named your database bustracker):

If you’re not sure where lwpostgis.sql and spatial_ref_sys_sql are located, try running locate lwpostgis.sql. If you really can’t find them, you probably don’t have PostGIS installed.

Getting started with the code

When doing Python development, it’s nice to use virtualenv so you don’t have to install everything as a system-wide package. If you don’t have virtualenv, you can check out the source or simply easy_install it:

$ easy_install virtualenv

Next create a new virtual environment and activate it:

Now make a directory to store the source and check out the code:

Copy the example configuration file

The Mac should read the data and load everything as it was.Final ThoughtsThe process can seem daunting at first, but don’t be discouraged. Migrate itunes library from pc to mac. Navigate to where you moved the Music folder and add your Mac songs back in.After the copy process is complete, launch iTunes.

Icloud photo library not uploading mac sierra. Mar 18, 2020  If your Photos library won't open, or if Photos behaves unexpectedly, the Photos library repair tool might resolve the issues. Follow these steps to use the Photos library repair tool: Hold down the Option and Command keys while you open Photos on your Mac. Mar 03, 2020  On your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, go to Settings your name iCloud Photos, then turn on iCloud Photos. On your Mac, go to System Preferences Apple ID. Click iCloud in the sidebar, then select Photos. If you have an earlier version of macOS, go to System Preferences iCloud. Click Options next to Photos, then select iCloud Photos. May 05, 2017  These photos and videos can then be accessed from any of your devices, assuming the feature is enabled on these devices. ICloud Photo Library is great at least when it works as it should. Photos not uploading to / downloading from iCloud. I recently ran into an issue where new photos were not showing on my iPad. Apr 06, 2017  Your Mac will restart the upload of the complete Photos library whenever it is uncertain, if the library on your Mac is not identical to the library in iCloud, for example: The Photos Library will be uploaded again if you toggle the sync with iCloud off and on again. The Photos Library will be. Jan 23, 2019  If there are 'referenced' photos or videos in the library on your Mac, you might see Items on This Mac Only in the status bar. Referenced items aren't uploaded to iCloud Photos, and aren't available on other devices. If you want to include them in iCloud Photos, here's what to do: Choose File New Smart Album.

and edit it with your favorite editor. Set the DATABASE_NAME, DATABASE_USER, and DATABASE_PASSWORD accordingly for your system (i.e., use the name of the database you created earlier and enter a PostgreSQL user that has access to that database). You should also set POSTGIS_SQL_PATH to point to where PostGIS lives on your system and update TEMPLATE_DIRS with the full path to BusTracker/tracker/templates.

If you are doing development or testing locally, you should set MEDIA_ROOT = ‘/path/to/BusTracker/tracker/static/’ so that the static files (e.g., JavaScript) will be served correctly. (For production servers, MEDIA_ROOT should not be set and your webserver should be configured to serve the files in BusTracker/tracker/static under YOUR_DOMAIN.COM/tracker/static.)

You should now be able to actually run the server:

Try browsing to

Loading data

Loading GTFS data

To actually make much use of the software, you’ll need to load in some data. You can download bus schedule data as GTFS files for some NYC buses here1 (if you have the data in STIF, BusTracker includes a utility for converting it into GTFS, see the README). After you’ve downloaded the GTFS, you can import it by borough with the following command (note this will take a decent amount of time to complete; grab a soda and be patient):

Where [borough] is one of Bx, B, M, Q, or S.

Loading observation data

To test the algorithm it helps to have actual bus location data. The following command will import some observation data from several trips on the M6 bus in Manhattan:

You can verify that this data was imported properly by experimenting with the demo interface. Try loading and playing with the various options to visualize the bus routes and data points.

GEOS import error

If you get the following or a similar error:

It means that you need to tell Python where your GEOS install is. Edit and add a line like the following:

Make sure that the path is actually to libgeos. If you’re not sure where this is, try runing locate libgeos. If you still can’t find it, you may need to install it using your OS’s package manager (if you’re using Mac OS X, you can use MacPorts and install it via sudo port install geos).

Macports Ld_library_path

python develop complains about pysqlite2

The transitfeed package can be a pain to install as a dependency. Try downloading the source and running python install for it on its own (make sure your virtualenv is activated). After doing that, try running python develop for BusTracker again.

Macports ld_library_path

1 Note that this data is currently out of date. It will hopefully be updated soon, and a group of us is working to improve relations between the MTA and the developer community and open up the data so that developers can download up-to-date GTFS files directly from the MTA. You can learn more about this effort here.

SFPD Dispatch Analytics web app for Capital One's MindSumo challenge. Built using Python, Django (and GeoDjango), PostgreSQL, and JavaScript + jQuery and deployed on Heroku.

Setting Up the Django Database

Add the PostGIS Extension

Mac Sip Ld_library_path

  1. Ensure psql is in the PATH. On Mac with this is PATH='/Applications/$PATH'
  2. Connect to Heroku psql: heroku pg:psql
  3. Run the create extension command: create extension postgis;
  4. Exit psql: q

Migrate Models from Django

python migrate

Uploading Data Using Fixtures

On Heroku, login to bash using heroku run bash then navigate to /dispatchand type: python loaddata sfpd_dispatch_data_subset.json.

Heroku Geo Buildpack

The current buildpack used to support the django-geo functionality is:

Add the following to the file:

Set the following config vars:

If GDAL and GEOS shared libraries are 'not found', ensure GDAL_LIBRARY_PATH is set to/app/.heroku/vendor/lib/ and GEOS_LIBRARY_PATH is set to /app/.heroku/vendor/lib/

virtualenv activate Script Edits

Ld_library_path Mac

In order to support the environment variable requirements locally for this app, thefollowing environment variables should be set at the bottom of the bin/activatescript:

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